Community Posts — Page 5

Welcome to the community! Feel free to post your questions or request for help in here. Our dedicated team will provide hands-on support and expert advice for all members.

Alex Philib

How do you create good company culture?
We a building a new company with new teams. How to create a good company culture from the start?

Faith Baltazar

What are the best startup companies to work in for 2022?
Compiling a list for the best startups to work in for 2022.

Zun Zun

What are the top tech startup companies in Southeast Asia?
Keen to compile a list of all the best tech startup companies from Southeast Asia

Vrisha Phrabhakaran

What are some tips in making WFH efficient?
How do you reduce procrastination and make WFH efficient?

Carl Adrian

Is Borzo delivery reliable in Philippines?
How has your experience with Borzo delivery (formerly Mr. Speedy) been so far?

Wilson Twoon

What are your predictions for the labor market in 2022 ?
Would welcome opinions and insights from the HR industry

Wilson Twoon

What is your worst encounter/situation you faced in your job ?
It can be from an issue faced in your previous work or experiences from others as well

Samuel Santoso

How do you get posts on to Facebook's "Suggested for You" section on the news feed?
I notice some sites appear there regularly and would like the same thing for mine.

Alex Philib

What is the biggest problem when it comes to hiring interns?
Would like to study how startups deal with interns.

Rufus Duo

What jobs are popular today among fresh graduates?
Much has changed since before the pandemic. What jobs are popular among fresh graduates today?


BEAMSTART is a global entrepreneurship community, serving as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration. With a mission to empower entrepreneurs, we offer exclusive deals with savings totaling over $1,000,000, curated news, events, and a vast investor database. Through our portal, we aim to foster a supportive ecosystem where like-minded individuals can connect and create opportunities for growth and success.

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